Sunday, April 25, 2010

Teachers Getting Laid Off =[

So the budget didn't pass and alot of people are very upset about this considering their favorite teachers are being given the "pink slip". It's pretty unfair that teachers with "ten year" cannot get fired because some of those teachers aren't liked by many of the students. The new teachers however, some great, are sadly leaving. =[ Even if the budget passed, teachers would have been fired. It's so upsetting that it has to be this way. Money money money =/ These teachers that were given "pink slips" have families to support and what not. So what happens to them? It's going to be so hard for them to get a new job but I wish them the best of luck. Also, joining sports and all is going to be ridiculous next year as we have to pay to be in certain sports and activities like cheer leading, baseball, and what not. This school has wasted so much money on the TVs that we didn't need and the teachers that we needed. =/